Sunday 26 August 2018

176 zelda breath of the wild - total recall of all 12 memories at last! remembering princess zelda crying in despair

Dear Readers,

With Pikango's clue on the twelfth photograph memory spot, I explored the forest south of Wetland Stable. It was either there or on the other side of the river.

It turned out to be the other side of the river! I glided over, looked for an apple tree and very soon found the shiny spot! I got to it and recalled the last memory...

...Princess Zelda and I ran through this forest at night frantically in the lashing rain. We were drenched and covered in mud. She stumbled and fell to her knees. This was the emotional scene in one of the trailers where she was in floods of tears, burying her head in my arms. She recounted what just happened — about the Guardians and Divine Beasts turning against us when Calamity Ganon took control, about the Champions becoming trapped, about everyone at the castle losing their lives including King Rhoam, about how she failed...

Distressing stuff there... The memory is very sad. However, the happy news was that I had now restored all 12 photograph memories! Woo! Got a little message about it too! Total recall! I headed for Impa's straight away!

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