Monday 6 August 2018

156 zelda breath of the wild - meeting prince sidon of the zora

Dear Readers,

I wasn't sure where to go next. I decided to go to Inogo Bridge and chat with Prince Sidon of the Zoras. When I got there, a voiced cutscene happened.

He jumped down to me and asked if I was a Hylian. Then it switched back to text. No harm :) he has a good voice though. his theme is kinda nice too. Like the others he is pretty nice. He likes himself a bit too and does this pose with a tooth gleam!

Straight away he had great praise for me and my name. He asked me if I was a great warrior among Hylians and I said not particularly. He said "No, no, no! Do not be so humble!" and said that he's able to recognise talent.

He told me Zora's Domain is in trouble because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta making it rain all the time. So THAT thing is the culprit! Making me slip all the time when climbing! He asked me if I would go to Zora's Domain with him and I said I would. He really appreciated it and told me it was too wet to climb anywhere so I had to take the treacherous road there, where enemies attack with electricity. "Don't give up! I believe in you!" he said and gave me an Electro Elixir. He said he'd go on ahead and jumped into the water, swimming away. "Reach Zora's Domain" came up as a main quest.

I started walking along the road, coming across river Octoroks and Lizalfos. After a while Prince Sidon called out to me from the river. It was just to check up on me to see how I was doing! He egged me on to keep going a bit more. He mentioned the enemies, how their presence here wasn't normal.

I kept going along the path. For this area I had a Frostspear and a Silver Longsword, so I was well able to deal with the agile Lizalfos! I burned some thorns and revealed a chest on the path which had 50 rupees in it. The path at this point had some shelter and stone roofs around here.

#373 Lizal Shield

Up ahead were many nasty Lizalfos archers with electric arrows. I walked off the path and found a little Lizalfos campfire with this shield there. They weren't archers at least. I ambushed them easily and stole their food too. It was a cosy little camp under a rock overhang :)

I cut the corner with all the archers and continued along the path. Sidon called out to me again to cheer me on some more.

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