Monday 27 August 2018

177 zelda breath of the wild - searching for the final memory

Dear Readers,

With all twelve memories restored, I hightailed it back to Impa's place.

She seemed surprised that I had all twelve pictures covered already. She then showed me the location of the last picture, which was hanging on her wall. She said that I should be able to get there in a half day's time.

This picture was of a Guardian graveyard. Was it Fort Hateno? It looked like Fort Hateno. I tried to match the mountains as well. Big one on the left background and a big U-shaped gap in the mountains in the centre background.

I warped everywhere. All the different towers and shrines that I had uncovered so far. That meant so many loading screens too :( yeesh I was exhausted.

Then I remembered Impa saying it was half a day's journey from Kakariko. I already tried Fort Hateno, so I tried the Lanayru Wetlands next.

I made my way to Sheh Rata Shrine on an island in the northern part. I got to it by gliding from a high pillar, which had 5 Ice Arrows in a chest on top of it. After beating the two Lizalfos on this island, I had to burn the thorns that were all around the shrine. Trouble was, I had to wait for it to stop raining and it took ages :(

I tried burning the thorns with my Flameblade but it didn't work and ended up breaking. I just used Fire Arrows instead. I then set the warp point for later.

I went back to shore and explored more. I went all the way back to Hyrule Field. I was going demented looking for this place...

I didn't do much with all my meandering. I did set another warp point though, at Ya Naga Shrine in Lake Hylia. I kept forgetting that the area I was looking for was likely at Fort Hateno, seeing how that was half a day's journey from Kakariko. I must keep that in mind!

#250 Traveller's Claymore

I found loads of these near Fort Hateno, on Blatchery Plain. They were all stuck in the ground.

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