Thursday 1 November 2018

1 new ghostbusters ii - zapping ghosts for halloween without internet

Dear Readers,

Lately I've been having internet connection problems and decided to play some of this game. Nice one to play for Halloween as well!

It's challenging but very fun! It's very playable and though it's easy to catch ghosts, it's also very easy to lose and get a game over!

I played as all the various characters and changed whenever I got a game over. Love the way they look like Link cosplaying as the Ghostbusters characters :) The character design is great.

I'm not sure how your partner with the trap knows how to path find their way to the ghost you're zapping. Sometimes the path gets complicated. Since this game was made by HAL, maybe some ideas have made their way into the routine of when a delivery man path finds his way towards you in EarthBound. Just a guess though.

First level is a good first level. Still died a lot and used up many continues! Has hints of the Ghostbusters theme in there which is cool.

The second level with the mine carts has fantastic music and it's based off of Flip City from the movie's soundtrack :) The carts themselves are tricky to avoid and the train sequence is cool.

The third level feels like it goes on forever! It also sounds like the composer's Kirby music in places :) There are so many boss fights here and you think the level is over but it goes on! The ninjas and spear wielding creatures are pretty tricky.

The fourth level has circus music looping and it's well done but it's still circus music...

I didn't get much further than this. Great fun! Kinda wish it had a 2 player option. Would've been cool back in the day.

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