Friday 30 November 2018

90 night in the woods - inspector mom and detective daughter

Dear Readers,

When I got downstairs, mom called me in to the kitchen for a chat. Can't avoid this time...

She asked me about Harfest. I told her I enjoyed it and said she looked tired. She said I looked tired. I said I had a headache and that I'll be okay. She asked me if I wanted to talk about school yet and I said I didn't. She asked if I was waiting for anything in particular and I said no, but that we definitely will talk about it and I wasn't going anywhere. She seemed happy enough with this for now.

I asked her what she was stressed about and she said it was budget and bills and stuff. She told me not to worry about it though.

I asked her what she was reading. She said it was a book of unsolvable murders. I asked if they definitely happened and she said she wasn't sure. Then she offered a teaser and I said "Sure!". She laid out a murder scenario from the book and said it was supposed to get ya thinkin'. I told her "You should have been a detective" and she said she would've loved that. I asked her "What else is in the room?", relating to the scenario, and she listed out some stuff. I asked if there were any knives and she said it had nothing to do with that. I thought for a moment and offered something. I said the guy in the room was a surgeon who implanted a magnet in the dead guy's skull, which was why he had that scar... then I described my hypothesis in even more detail, talking about magnets, which seemed far fetched, but offered some kind of explanation. Mom liked it and we said we could become a pair of investigators and open a detective agency in town :) Inspector Mom and Detective Daughter. Aw :)

Next to the doodle of mom I drew, I drew an upside down dead body from the scenario..

I went outside to a very rainy, grey Possum Springs. I guess the game is like a film noir detective thing now!

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