Saturday 2 February 2019

152 night in the woods - creepy robot of the woods

Dear Readers,

Gregg, Angus and I set up the robot in the middle of the woods at night. It looked really creepy there. We all looked creepy silhouetted against the glow of the starry sky, like a bunch of Slendermen with animal ears.

Gregg said this thing was gonna really freak some kids out and I was like yeah dude, saying they were gonna tell stories about this thing without ever knowing what it is or how it got here. Angus asked if we were sure we were ok with this and Gregg said this place was a good home for it. I said to leave it for the kids and let it be a legend.

Gregg and I went back to our "too bad this horrible thing didn't happen to you" game and Angus joined in too! Nice :) We're having fun again!

After a brief moment Gregg and Angus moved on to the right. I stayed behind a moment to say goodbye to the robot. Then I followed them. The camera lingered on the robot before it started moving and making noises.

This scene was so freaking creepy. Especially after all the goings on lately with the ghost. It didn't show up here thankfully. But yeah, this was creepy even with us standing here together. It got creepier when Gregg and Angus walked off screen—I didn't want them to leave me here! When I walked off screen after them it got much creepier again when the camera lingered on the robot silhouette. It was a really uncomfortable feeling watching that robot wriggle in the dark like that then. Geez this was so creepy!

The scene shifted to me arriving home, at last! Whew! I sketched Gregg and myself in my journal, leaning on each other while brandishing our knives. Above that I wrote the caption "LEGENDS". Heck yeah! I drew some doughnuts around us too! Underneath I drew another Gregg head with "GREGG RULZ OK" and an Angus head with "ANGUS IS GOOD". He certainly is :)

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