Thursday 7 February 2019

157 night in the woods - the truth about the arm

Dear Readers,

Aunt Molly caught me jumping around on the powerlines!

She caught me at last and yelled up at me to get down. I got down and gave her no greeting. I just grunted at her, asking her what she wanted. After a pause where she just stared at me and my tired expression she said hello to you too.

I said well? and she said she wanted to let me know that they did a test on that arm we found a few days back. I perked up and was suddenly interested in chatting with her.

She said the arm belonged to a middle aged man of medium build and he was dead when it was removed. I was amazed and said that meant... but she butted in and said it didn't mean anything – she just thought I'd like to know, since I always liked detective stories when I was a kid.

I thanked her and said this ghost was seriously messed up. She said no ghost was involved in this, whatever it was. Still no one willing to believe me. She said to be careful as there was strange stuff going on. I said she was telling me! Then she said to have a nice evening.

After we spoke I got right back on the powerlines! She didn't say anything this time either!

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