Sunday 24 February 2019

174 night in the woods - thudden thcreaming

Dear Readers,

The next scene looked really spooky and dark like that dream I had about the well. I called out to Gregg and all I could see was his speech bubble saying he was over on the other side of the screen.

All I could do was walk. Walk in the darkness to find his silhouette next to the house. It was unsettling until I was able to hear his enthusiasm on finding the basement doors. I said TH! Thop yelling! He asked me why I was talking like that and I said, in a way it makes more sense to hear than to read, that if you say "th" instead of "eth" (or "s") that it makes it harder for someone or a ghost to hear that you're speaking, or in this case, thpeaking. Gregg said he had no idea what I was saying.

I told him we were trying to be thealthy and then he could understand what I was saying. I thanked him but he said he wasn't going to do what I was doing. I said ok and he said that we were fine as nobody was here. He said there were no lights on and the doors were locked.

I asked him how we were going about doing this. He said I was to hold onto the torch while he picked the lock on the basement doors. I totally forgot he could pick locks and I said this was awesome. He was like yeah dude! Crimes, dude! To this I replied crimeth, dude :)

I switched on the torch and it shone into the woods behind Gregg. He asked if I wanted to shine the light down to him. I was only able to move my arm and so I pointed it down towards him.

Gregg started going at the lock when something stirred in the woods. He stopped and looked back quickly behind us, wondering what it was. I pointed the light back into the woods and found nothing so I said it was nothing. He was like uh huh... and asked for the light again.

Jeepers... it's freaking unnerving typing this out during this scene! There's this tree behind us on the far edge of the screen and it's moving and swaying. The other trees are perfectly still but this one is swaying and making noise. All I can see are these tiny branches moving and making creepy rustling noises! I don't want to point the torch away from this tree!

Can't progress though unless I do. I pointed the torch back towards Gregg's hands and he continued his lockpicking work. The creepy rustling continued until we heard some kind of snap. He immediately stopped and turned around again, going WTF?

I pointed the torch back at the rustly tree. Nothing. He said ok, there was something up there. I said I told him. Then he turned back and said let's finish this, but also to watch his back... to basically do both.

Like a crazy person, I alternated between shining the torch on him and back at whatever it was behind us that was making that noise, not knowing the best thing to do. I settled on the tree and saw nothing new, so I eventually settled the torch on him. Another snap happened.

Again, Gregg turned his head around, but this time he yelled hey! you up there!!!

Just then there was this BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM. Something flew out at Gregg's face and made him flail his arms around in panic.

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