Wednesday 13 February 2019

163 night in the woods - lori m's health tips

Dear Readers,

Instead of saying hi, Lori M asked me if I was ok when I climbed up to sit down and talk to her. I told her yeah in a slurred kind of way, like I had been since I got up.

I said I didn't know anymore. She said I should get some cold medicine and some crackers and ginger ale and lay in bed and watch bad movies. Excellent suggestion :) I said "Thanks for the advice, doc", though I really wanted to say "I feel like that won't fix this one", but I'll try that next time. She said not to mention it.

Then I started humming and my eyes were getting droopy. Lori M asked me if I was ok and I continued doing this. She called out my name sharply and I snapped out of it. I said sorry for spacing out for a sec. She said I should see a doctor and I said I'd get around to it. I thanked her and said I'd see her later, probably. She didn't seem so sure but said bye anyway.

Hmm... maybe I really shouldn't be climbing up so high when I'm spacing out like this...

Also, I didn't see the violinist here today. Strange.

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