Saturday 9 February 2019

159 night in the woods - asking selmers about the ghost man

Dear Readers,

On greeting Selmers, she immediately asked if I was sick. I just told her I was tired and I had a headache. She asked me why I was out running around and I said I'd get over it.

She told me to take it easy, neighbour, which was nice of her :) and offered to recite another poem. I said "Sure!".

Selmers recited: "The stars the stars; like lights on cars; drive 'cross the dark; and never park."

I said that was true as they were like that. She said she had one ready for Longest Night. I said oh? and she recited: "Longest Night; Longest Night; night so dark; but stars so bright."

I said that was nice and she thanked me, saying she felt festive.

The first poem is probably an observation on people never stopping in town for anything... this dying town... that second poem has a tiny sparkle of hope in it at least :)

While I was here I asked her if she noticed anything weird around here lately. She asked weird as in... and I had to choose between "Ghost Man" and "Missing kids". I really wanted both options but I chose the former. She seemed lost on the notion of a ghost man and said she didn't recall anything like that. I told her that maybe I was going crazy and that maybe I was seeing things. She said her mom sees ghosts and swears there's one in the basement. She said her mom was wrong though. I asked her how she knew her mom was wrong and she said she herself lives in the basement.

I then asked Selmers if she was a ghost and she laughed a little, saying she wasn't yet! Oog... I don't think she is a ghost or a hallucination as I met her with Bea at the library. This whole weirdness with the rooftop musicians isn't lost on me though! As for the ghost man; Angus and I definitely met that creepo in the woods.

Selmers said that the forecast was thinking of snow soon. I asked when and she said soon, that it was gonna get cold soon. Grumpy porch guy said it was getting cold early this year too and that it didn't bode well.

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