Thursday 21 February 2019

171 night in the woods - trampoline time!

Dear Readers,

Back out on Germ's porch, he told me not to tell him what his gramma said.

I asked him why and he said that when his gramma tells you something for you, it's yours and that if you give it away it's gone. I asked him what he meant. He ignored me and said watch this! before suddenly running to the left, leaping off the porch and onto the trampoline he told me about earlier.

Joyful music started playing and he bounced up and down on the trampoline. He said to come on! and I joined him! Where else would I go but on that trampoline! I made my most stylish Mario 64 triple jump off the porch and bounced around on the trampoline with him :)

Just then, another one of the family appeared on the porch from the right, holding a drink can. He said there was a familiar face! when he saw me and I said what?, continuing to bounce.

Some cool little bits of detail here like the arrow from my word balloon changing direction when I bounce up to it :)

He said he'd seen me a bunch and I said I didn't... and he said he was invisible, acting all spooky. Another family member appeared holding a can and said not to let him spook me, that he'd been working on my street. The first guy said he was with the Department of Transportation where we don't see them but they see us. I was like oh yeah! hi! and thanked him for fixing our street! He said it wern't nothing. The other one said he'd been doing the easy work and that his own crew had been out climbing all over those bridges in Saltztown. I asked if they were open yet and he said heck no! The other one said 'at'll be the day.

He asked if I was Stan Borowski's kid, just to be sure and I said yeah? Then he said they used to see him down at Miller's a bunch and that it was probably good they saw him less now. I made a quieter yeah... the other one then said he didn't mean nothing by it and I said it was cool.

He then went on, saying that back when, my dad was something else and then he asked if he was at Ham Panther now, just to be sure. I said yeah.

Then he said they were pretty anti-union there and I said yeah, that he mentioned that. They both then went hrm and yep yep. The second one then said my dad was alright and I said ok! Then Germ said that yeah, he was good. I asked him how he knew my dad and he said he didn't but he just felt left out of the conversation haha.

One of the other guys then said to tell my dad that Ham Panther's management can go straight to heck. I said ok, and that was uh... weird! The other guy then said there was nothing weird about it. He then asked Germ if they were going out to Hunwick this weekend and Germ said yeah! I asked what was in Hunwick and they both said at the same time that it was an old computer show. One of the guys said he was gonna look for an old Compydon-80 and Germ said it was to play some Wanderers Of Klorgen. The other guy then said there was a buncha dweebs over here! and the first one said yep yep!

After this I said if I bounced anymore I was gonna puke and Germ said there was no need to keep bouncing as he wasn't gonna be lonely? Whatever that meant... I said alright.

I was then gonna ask Germ something but then the call for dinner came. He said to hold that thought.

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