Monday 4 February 2019

154 night in the woods - too tired to decipher

Dear Readers,

I was indeed very tired but not too tired to check in online with my buddies.

Bea was still up. I told her I was a little sick from Donut Wolf and she said that's why she doesn't go there. I wondered how it can be so good and then so mean to you. She said it was a wild world. I told her about puking and dropping a robot in the woods with the guys. She said she was too sleepy to try and decipher that so we wrapped it up so she could go to sleep.

Gregg was up too. We were both like hey, man and I said sorry again. He asked weren't we past apologising at this stage and I said sorry again by accident. We both had a laugh before he turned in for the night himself.

I clicked on Sharkle before going to bed myself. What a day it was.

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