Saturday 16 February 2019

166 night in the woods - the saxophonist and violinist meet

Dear Readers,

I found out where the violinist went! They were now hanging out with the saxophonist in the old building!

I went in to see them and they both greeted me. I asked if they were gonna play together and they said yeah! The violinist thanked me for making this happen.

I laughed as well and something came over me. They asked what was up and I said I came up with a plan and did something actually good. The violinist asked me if that was strange for me and I said that I just stumbled into things all the time and that introducing the two of them was something I actually meant to do; I meant to help out two strangers and I did; And now they were gonna play together and fall in love! Silly me :)

The saxophonist was like what? no and the violinist said they were in a long term monogamous relationship. The saxophonist said their son took up most of their attention... uh... wait a sec...

Whew ok... I completely forgot their genders so I had to look them up again in older blog posts. The violinist is a dude and the saxophonist is a lady(named Sadie). It'll be handy to remember that. HE's in a monogamous relationship and SHE has a son. It's getting confusing using THEY because it can mean them collectively as well as singular neutrally.

SO then I asked if I made it weird and he said I made it weird and she said very weird. Darn it!

They went back to playing and I went back to doodling! I made a sketch of both of them in my journal, opposite the "HELLA BIRDS" and along with musical notes and stars. They were happy out :) and yes, this place was still fulla birds!

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