Thursday 28 February 2019

178 night in the woods - bosses are bad, dude

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I found ourselves in a room with a few glowing screens. They had newspaper articles in them.

We stopped at the one about the Possum Massacre. Gregg asked me if I remembered this and I said "Sorta?" but it was really cool though, just like the whole strike thing was cool and how other people joined them and even when the bosses sent in soldiers they were all united and couldn't give one darn. Gregg said it was the best history and I agreed, saying it made me all proud and angry.

Gregg said bosses are bad and I said the same, that bosses are bad. I said it was weird how we're all supposed to look up to bosses in general, even bad ones. Gregg agreed and said he refuses to. I was extremely ditto!

The music here was more piano. The glowing screens in here made it seem haunting and full of secrets; secrets to life we were uncovering for ourselves.

And yes, uncovering the truth that bosses are bad is an important thing.

We left the room after finding nothing weird, but we did find something educational. I felt like we were getting smarter and Gregg said his brain was too huge as it was and it was gonna pop :) haha! I told him if that happened I was gonna leave his headless corpse here. He laughed at the idea, imagining how freaked out they'd be in the morning! We played out an exchange between two characters finding Gregg's headless corpse, one of them named Ronald. We have fun :)

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