Tuesday 19 February 2019

169 night in the woods - nice meeting with germ's mom

Dear Readers,

Germ brought me inside to meet his mom.

He introduced me to her and said I was eating dinner with them. I said hi and waved. Her mom gave me a friendly hello and said she hoped I liked Sloppy Joes! I said who doesn't? and she said nobody in this house!

I had to look up Sloppy Joes. I heard of it before but I never had it and didn't know what it was. It looks like something I'd have! As long as it was beef or pork mince of course. I couldn't imagine having turkey mince. Bleh.

Germ said he was thinking we should meet before dinner and his mom said that was very thoughtful of him. He said he was gonna introduce me to his gramma and his mom asked if that was what this was about... I asked what and he asked her again if he could. She said he didn't need her permission and that whatever happened was on him. I asked what again and he just said to come on, before abruptly walking to the left. I had no idea what was going on, so I just said "Nice meeting you!" before following him. She said it was nice meeting me too. Nice lady his mom, but what was that about his gramma?

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