Sunday 17 February 2019

167 night in the woods - the deep hollow hollerers band and what happened to them

Dear Readers,

After speaking to Sadie and the violinist, they went back to their jam session. I walked to the left of the stage and noticed posters here that weren't here before.

Sadie said she found them backstage. The violinist couldn't believe they were still intact and that they must've been 60 or 70 years old now. I read out the name of The Original Deep Hollow Hollerers and Sadie said to try saying that three times fast! I said "Deep Hollow Hollerers" once before the violinist corrected me slowly. Sadie simply said D. H. H.

I asked who they were and the violinist couldn't believe it, asking me how long I lived here. I said "My whole life!" and he said I had no excuse then. He went on to casually lecture me about the band, but messed up their name (haha, serves him right :) ). He started again, using the abbreviation and said they were the premier dance band in Deep Hollow County. Sadie said this building was their club and they were four; violin, sax, tuba and accordion. The violinist said they did polkas, waltzes, old tunes from the hills and played from the 20s through the 40s. They took this town through some hard times and were on that famous anthology of Appalachian music from the 60s. Sadie said it was a big piece of local history.

I asked "What happened to them?". Sadie said it was a weird story and the violinist said they got spooky. Sadie said they got kinda religious. I asked "Spooky?" and the violinist said they talked about taking trips out of their bodies and were playing for the ghosts that had been through here. I was like huh... and the violinist went on, saying that folks thought they were just being weird and poetic but who knew for sure. They were also getting kind of old. I said that was weird. Sadie said in the end they stopped coming here and started playing out in the woods on little band box thingies they built. The violinist said that's what people figured. He then said that in November of 49 they were found dead way out there, of exposure and that frost froze them to their instruments. Wow... Sadie said they had to be peeled off the ground! The violinist said it was one of the great WTF moments in Possum Springs history. I was like holy crap...

Sadie asked me how had I not heard this story and I said that no it was just that I... and then I said it was nothing and that the world was big and weird. But wow yeah, my dreams...

The violinist said that after the band were gone this place's days were numbered. Then he said the Husker Bee Ballroom shall hear music again for the first time in gosh knows how long! Sadie laughed and he went on, saying it was a full house and that pigeons appreciate quality!

I said this made me happy :) and Sadie said to save the happiness for when they're good. The violinist was like yeah let's get good! She said this place could use some good and he said that music had that way of filling empty space!

I left then. Wow what a story! Explains a little, yet thickens a lot too. Also, I feel like I'm actually helping to bring Possum Springs back to life :) whether it's with music or rats, I feel like something actually cool and not horrible is happening for once! Where are the commemorative statues and murals of these musicians? Why's it all soldiers and coal miners?

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