Tuesday 26 February 2019

176 night in the woods - nonfunctional stairs and elevator number 3

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I went upstairs out of the basement. The place looked pretty empty and dark.

The noises were still here but they were slightly different. Big red dim lights were shining up here.

Gregg asked where the torch was and I suddenly realised I left it outside! Whoops! I was so distracted by him being attacked by an owl that I must've dropped it! However, we were able to see ok, thanks to this dim red emergency light that was in here.

The music chimed in. It was a piano tune that was pretty suitable for wandering around to investigate a haunted house. It could be placed in the part of the Scooby-Doo episode that comes right after Fred saying "Let's split up, gang!".

We walked to the left and found a spiral staircase. Signs on it read "Closed for insurance purposes", "Caution. Stairs not for climbing", "These stairs are original to the house and are not functional at this time."

So we couldn't climb the stairs. I guess they expected us to use the elevator nearby. Gregg counted it as elevator number 3. It wasn't locked either and it seemed there were elevators for miles. I found it to be weird. We went inside and ascended to the next floor.

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