Monday 25 February 2019

175 night in the woods - the two weird elevators

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I were now inside the uncanny house at last.

Friggin' owl! That was the thing with all the feathers and screeching that attacked Gregg, thinking he must've been some kind of prey. Its scream was scary as heck! I asked if he was ok and he said he thought so, but that was dangerous! I didn't know owls attacked like that and wondered what its effing deal was.

At this point we were in the basement and were now safe from owls at least. Gregg asked what we were actually looking for. I told him that the thing I read at the library said that sometimes when someone stays late in this house they hear weird things in something called the map room and in some off-limits area, whatever that was. He said that technically, all of this was an off-limits area right now. I said that was true.

I was now able to run and jump around freely with Gregg keeping up with me easily. We stood under the red light between the two elevators. He observed them and they did seem kinda weird being here. I was like geez, maybe this place was all elevators. He thought it was weird and wondered why there were two of them here? I then said one was for the ghosts and one was for the normies. He then said private rooftop ghost party and I added with a ghost pool :)

We soon went back to our "hope this horrible thing happens to you" exchanges again :) I love these! I eventually topped with him being trapped in an elevator full of water and an angry shark and this actually made him shiver! He was too spooked to make a comeback for that!

We reached the stairs leading out of the basement. It was time. There were a few very faint rustling noises down here and a faint hum as well.

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