Wednesday 20 February 2019

170 night in the woods - not so nice meeting with germ's gramma

Dear Readers,

Germ brought me into the room where his gramma was watching TV.

It looked a bit like the living room in my house actually, with the arch and the staircase and everything. It looked a lot more uh... brown though.

He said oh, here she was. She had a large dark ring around her eye. There was a pause. Then his grandmother simply said the words sturdy girl. I made an ellipsis before saying my granddad used to say that. I was about to ask if she... but then Germ introduced me to her and I said hello. She murmured in response. After another pause Germ simply said see ya! and walked back out of the room, leaving me alone with her! I was like wait, what?

I turned back to his gramma and said she was looking at me. She said sturdy was a good word for me, using more words like big bones and stout to describe me. I said yep before there was another pause.

I asked if that was it and she said she was sorry and asked if she upset me. I said no. She said it was too bad, that I needed to be upset. She called me little girl and that what was coming to me was three times the trouble I deserved. She said I was going to go down hard not far from here, that I was going to go down in these woods. I asked her if she was telling me my fortune. Then there was another pause.

She said she didn't know what I did... that I had a dark spot in me... that was one day gonna take a life... The life might be someone else's or it might be mine. She paused again before saying to mark her words. She said I was doomed. Another pause... yikes.

I awkwardly said ok and that I'd try to remember that... but then I said actually, no and that this was stupid. I put my hand on my hip and looked at her sceptically, telling her she didn't know me. I then said that whatever it was that was wrong with me, that I wasn't just an effing shell for my problems to walk around in. I mocked her dark spot speech and asked her what the actual heck she knew about me anyway?

There was another pause before she said she couldn't stop what was coming and she said she was going to ask me a question I couldn't answer and it was this: Can you unhaunt a haunted house? I said I... and stopped in my tracks.

After another pause she laughed and said she had me going there for a second. I said what? and she said she was just joshin' me and that she has her fun. I snapped back, asking her what was wrong with her and that what she said was seriously messed up! She laughed again and said I was a good sport before telling me to go outside, calling me dear and to let gramma watch Judge Janice. I awkwardly said ok and that I'd see her around. She said it wasn't likely before pausing and calling me little girl again.

I went outside to Germ and he told me not to tell him what his gramma said. Sheesh.

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