Sunday 10 February 2019

160 night in the woods - mom unlocks the church library room

Dear Readers,

I went to church to see mom and she said I couldn't resist calling here, that it was god calling me! Aw :)

I said I was betting not and she said god was patient, like nature. I told her that was such a creepy statement. She said she found it comforting. I told her I had this creeping dread thing going on and not to mind it. She asked if she could do anything and I said not really and I gave a her a love you goodbye.

I stood staring at her a while. She asked me what was up and I said I was purposely committing this scene to memory. She said I was taking a brain photo and I laughed, saying it was like when I was a kid. She said dad was great with the games to keep me quiet in the car. I said he sure was and that I still do it now, with these brain photos :) Mom said *snap* and she got my picture and I went *snap snap* and got hers too! We exchanged love you goodbyes again... then I said I was really worn out. She asked me why not go take a nap in the library room and I was like wow... as I hadn't been in there in years. She said it didn't get a lot of use these days but it was nice and quiet and peaceful. I said I might do that and she told me the door was unlocked now so I could have at it! She'd be here if I needed anything. I thanked her :)

It was locked before I talked to her, but now the library room was unlocked! I immediately went back there and found some shelves and a couch basked in a golden glow of sunshine from the window. Something amazing happened next...

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