Tuesday 12 February 2019

162 night in the woods - breaking the news to pastor kate

Dear Readers,

I left the church and wandered to where Bruce was now gone.

I stopped briefly at the big statue. I observed that we had statues of stern dudes for miles in this town.

I went on to Bruce's newly vacated campsite and found Pastor Kate there. She wondered where Bruce went and I told her I knew. She was like really? and I said yeah, that he told me not to tell her yesterday. She asked me what it was and I said Bruce was going home. She didn't know what I was talking about and I said he was going home to his kids and I guessed they were at home waiting for him. She was kind of serious and thanked me... but kinda quietly.

There was a pause.

I then asked her if she wasn't happy about it. She made an ellipsis before thanking me for letting her know. She didn't speak anymore. She just stayed there, looking at the empty tent before her.

Gosh I wonder what she's thinking, what she's feeling? There's something very lonely about this scene and my imagination's running kinda crazy.

I'm going to miss Bruce too. Part of me wonders if he was just saying that to make us think he had someplace to go.

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