Tuesday 5 February 2019

155 night in the woods - dreamless sleep

Dear Readers,

I slept the whole night without dreaming a thing! First time in a while! The next morning I checked online again.

There were messages from Bea, Gregg and Angus.

Bea just said she was at the Pickaxe in one-word sentences. I knew the drill. I haven't been there very often...

Gregg had a similar message but he used three-word sentences. Work work work til he dies dies dies.

Angus had a global away message with song lyrics and talking about seeing some band named The Blanktones in a week.

The purple turnip of redundant science news said that things don't necessarily have to be as bad as they are. Can anyone be a professional scientist now? Yeesh.

I gave Sharkle a good morning click before logging off.

When I left my room I looked at the family portrait and noted it felt like it had been years since I got back and saw this again.

I greeted the bird, saying things were really intense right now and I asked it to pray to its bird gods for my soul.

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