Saturday 23 February 2019

173 night in the woods - uncanny crimes in the historical society building

Dear Readers,

I called in to Gregg. He asked me how I was holding up and I told him I had a splitting headache.

I said I was feeling really tired even though I had been sleeping a lot lately. He asked me seriously if I was ok and I said I didn't know. He then asked if he could do anything for me and I said "Kill me?". To this he just said bang I shot you without doing anything and I said thanks :) That was cute.

He then asked me what I was up to today. I said "You want to check out that historical society?" and he asked if I was sure as I seemed really tired. I said yeah let's do this.

The scene changed and the title of the next section appeared on screen: "the historical society".

This next scene had an amazing fiery red sunset sky with the stars peeking out. There was an old building in the background. We appeared in the foreground. Gregg apologised for crashing...

I said it was ok and that I was getting used to it. I asked if his bike was ok and he said yeah he could fix it as he was handy. We had another one of those "Too bad this horrible thing didn't happen to you" over and backs :) then we stopped and looked at this big lone creepy old building in the background. Some heavy atmospheric winds and faint cricket chirps sounded as well. I said that was it huh and Gregg said yep.

I said I was never out here before and he said he wasn't either... I hesitated, saying I thought he had a plan. He said who needed a plan? as we were just breaking into an old house. I said I thought he wasn't doing crimes anymore and he said eh... and that he had one left in him. And also that a promise was a promise. I thanked him :) He said we were best bros forever and also he was going to blame the whole thing on me if we got caught! :P I then said that was pretty fair. Of course, he said we weren't gonna get caught and I agreed.

I said the house looked like... and he had the exact same impression, that it looked exactly like a haunted house. I said yeah, "like the one in that old movie", Figure In The Hall. He was about to say something about the title and I said I knew. The big old house and this place looked exactly like it. Gregg reminded me that I was looking for a ghost and I said that I thought it might be looking for me, actually. He said yeah... and brought up the other night. I was like yeah...

He then said whatever this was, that maybe we'd get some info here. I told him it wasn't a person, it was a ghost. He was like uh... well... and then just said let's go find us a ghost.

For real though, that building looks creepy af...

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