Friday 8 February 2019

158 night in the woods - telling rabies about my dream future

Dear Readers,

I went right to the bridge, sat on the railing and met up with Rabies. I asked him how life was going.

After his silent response I said it was good to hear. I told him back in school we had to write this thing where if you could be anywhere in 15 years, where would you be? It was an easy assignment and I drew it when I was 15. Now that I was 20, it hadn't changed at all.

Rabies remained silent but I continued like we were having a conversation anyway.

I told him I'm on a farm, or something like that. But not with animals or crops, except maybe corn as I liked corn fields. I thought maybe here or maybe in Idaho or someplace.

I then told him that "she" was there with me. She was there with me and we'd be married or whatever they did in Idaho. My teacher said they'd be married alright but I said I meant doing whatever activities that happen on the frontier, that you just stay with someone long enough that it's a thing. I said I could call it what I wanted. We would go out and wander around and do work together and come home and we're all gross and our faces feel like they do when it's been windy all day; it's cold out and we order pizza.

My teacher back then said on a farm? In Idaho? in response to the pizza thing. I said yeah, that there was a town nearby in this drawing... it was a big drawing. So we're eating pizza and I'm playing a video game and she's making something crafty, as she does woodworking or she's a blacksmith or something, so she has really rough hands. My teacher asked if she was doing this in the living room and I said that her boots were scuffled from wood or fire or something, while mine were muddy. Also, we would have two big burly cats from a barn and a dog and we would all howl at the moon together.

After a pause I said parts of that I always wanted since I was a kid, particularly the part about having the cats and the dog. No children though! I repeated the part about having no children three times!

I then asked Rabies what he wanted, if Rabies wanted to have babies? :) or if he had any big plans in general.

After a pause I said that was so true and bid him goodbye for now. I told him to be safe and to eat trash and common pests!

I hope ghosts are scared of getting rabies. I wouldn't want anything to go near him. I hope to have some kind of a future someday.

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