Tuesday 7 May 2019

237 night in the woods - the forest god's gatekeeper

Dear Readers,

Back to the story! I found myself at the shrine, in the middle of a fierce blizzard.

I was able to exit from here through the shrine somehow as well. It seems that prayer brought me to the blizzard area. When I went back too, the cat was gone but I could still recite the payer to bring me to this new area.

I walked to the left and came across a chasm. I threw some snowballs at the red bell across the way. There was a shrine there too. When I rang the bell a voice came from the cave nearby, followed by a figure which appeared and came out, holding a lantern and wearing some kind of mask with an eye on it. It said hello? and I said hello! back.

The figure greeted me in a friendly way and they asked who I was. I said I was Adina, an astronomer and I was seeking an audience with the forest god. They said sorry, but the forest god would not be entertaining me. Kings, emperors, ones of high import were the only ones they were permitted to allow through. I said I was important! That I was an... empress!

The figure said they may have been wearing a blindfold, but they could hear that I was alone, and no empress would travel alone. They said this was highly improper. I said this was highly annoying! Heh that was funny :) The figure then said if I was indeed an empress, I was to bring my entourage here and we would discuss the situation. Until then they wished me a pleasant Longest Night! I said ...thanks...

The gatekeeper had a jolly, good-humoured way about them at least, but I was still disappointed.

I started throwing some snowballs at them and accidentally slipped off the cliff! At this point granddad and Mae appeared on the screen. I said ...and then she jumped off the cliff! and granddad said what? No she didn't!

Haha that part was interesting :) In the whole of Night in the Woods there isn't a player death by pitfall in the same way as regular arcade platformers! Very interesting and fun narrative trick!

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