Monday 20 May 2019

250 night in the woods - the king's longest night plans

Dear Readers,

After that spooky encounter with the hunchback and their snowman, it was back to me as Mae and granddad.

I looked at granddad as if to ask him something. He said yes Mae? I asked him what this story was about? He asked me what did I want it to be about? I said that if I got to choose what it was about, it wasn't about anything. He said huh... that's quite a statement. I said I was really smart. He said I did come up with that plan to rob banks, so clearly I was onto something! Haha he's awesome :)

I said I wanted to know what this was about. He said he thinks I had to figure that out on my own. I made an ellipsis before saying I didn't like that.

When we got back to the story with me as Adina... I was back in the woods again! Just after the bridge! I looked back over it and saw the king with his entourage. I said hello again! They greeted me in their usual jolly way too! It was nice to meet someone nice again after that encounter with the hunchback! :)

They said they were just leaving. I asked them why and the pointy hat one said because a kingdom needs a king! The king said and this king needs his trusted adviser! I noticed someone was missing. I asked them what happened to their sword guy? They reminded me his name was Stevenson. I said sorry! and asked what happened to him? Did they see the forest god? The pointy hat one yelled out Stevenson's name. The king then said they were going home now; he commanded it and he was king. The pointy hat one agreed in a jolly way. The king said he was going to call for a late night feast and the pointy hat one said it would be a new tradition! The king then said this was going to be the best Longest Night ever!

Yeesh... these guys sound like they're from Alice in Wonderland or something... Seriously though, where was Stevenson?

I wished them a happy Longest Night and the king said it was the best Longest Night! I said yes, that and he said to be safe!

I chatted with them again and the king said let's sing a Longest Night carol! The pointy hat one liked the idea and said it would raise our spirits!

Speaking with them again just brought about their singing... nothing else about Stevenson though...

I went back into the woods.

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