Thursday 30 May 2019

260 night in the woods - reacquainting myself with neighbours and the employment situation

Dear Readers,

Time to explore Possum Springs for the first time! Again :)

The nice early music is back too before everything got all crazy. I said "Nope!" to Mr Twigmeyer when he asked if it was me :P He said it looked like me and he bet it smelled like me too. I asked him did I have a smell? and he said when I was a kid, Susan used to call me a little dirtball. I said "Well I was a dirtball." and he said he bet I still was a dirtball. I said cradle to grave, 100 percent dirtball! He said that's the spirit! and I said I'd see him later :) nice neighbour! Didn't get to speak this much with him before! He came to the church when I wasn't well, which was cool of him :)

I caught up with Selmers, Grumpy porch guy and Mr. Chazokov. Love the way he was accommodating of me to go stargazing, even when I told him I hated and dropped out of school. He's cool :)

When I met the kids playing detective, I butted in with saying "Ghosts don't have DNA" and they told me to leave them alone, calling me lady. Sheesh :P

In the conversation with Danny and his jobseeking woes I said "I'm sure *someone* in town is hiring!" He said he'd been out of work for a year before and this time he only lasted 6 months before being laid off. He asked if I knew what that did to a resumé? I said not really. He said he had a zombie resumé. It was dead but somehow it was still going all over the place. Honestly, stuff like this doesn't matter in a C.V. it doesn't damage it but it does make the C.V. making process even more annoying.

Then I caught up with the Telezoft worker who wanted to go to Ham Panther, at this stage of talking about how much they were suffering on this job. The bing noise, the sales, the leaderboard... ugh. I'd hate this :(

Between Danny and the Telezoft worker, I can see jobs are an awful thing on people's health and happiness.

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