Saturday 11 May 2019

241 night in the woods - padlock snowman

Dear Readers,

I decided to visit the blizzard area again.

I chatted with padlock snowman and asked who they were. They said they were an exceptional thief. I asked how they ended up in this forest and they said they were going to rob The Huncher. She had been there forever and had to have had loads of priceless stuff. I asked how it went and they said they remembered reaching up, trying to grab the sun as the snow covered them. They said that you do dumb half-asleep things when you die. I was like huh. They said there was my deep insight on the dying process.

I chatted with it again and they said they were bored. Aw! At least they have trumpet snowman for company! They honked happily when I spoke to them!

I chatted with Godtender Brown again. They said the forest god was still ill. I said I was so sorry. They said if only they just knew why, and whether they would be well again. They thanked me for leaving my companions with them, as they had been a great comfort! I said no problem and that I entrusted them to their care! That worked out nicely :)

Chatting with them again made them say this was the worst Longest Night ever. I left them to it and continued walking through the woods.

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