Sunday 12 May 2019

242 night in the woods - the jolly king, pointy hat, stevenson and tuba player

Dear Readers,

I left the blizzard area and continued through the woods. I came across four new interesting characters!

The first was playing a tuba or something and I couldn't speak to them. The second was in a suit of armour with a helmet accommodating for a beak, the third was someone with a staff and a pointy hat, and the fourth was someone with a crown that looked like they could've been related to Mae!

I said hello to them and the crowned one greeted me in a jolly way. The pointy hat one said hello! and the armoured one muffled a greeting.

The crowned one asked me what my business was here tonight. I said "I'm going to the frozen lake" and they said that was a coincidence! So were they! The pointy hat one said it was a blessed meeting! I asked them if they knew the way through the woods and they said they surely did! As they were bound for an audience with the forest god! The pointy hat one then said after that they had an arm, and fire to light it!...That last part they said in darker white text... I guess that means they said it in hushed tones. I asked "What did you say you were going to set on fire?" and the crowned one whispered that it was the arm of a dead criminal! The pointy hat one said donated, of course. The armoured one muffled again. The crowned one laughed and the pointy hat one said oh Stevenson.

I whispered and asked if they were going to set it on fire and the crowned one said yes! The pointy hat one said it would light the way to the Huncher's Hollow! I was like ugh this forest and wished them the best of luck! The crowned one said best of luck to everyone! The pointy hat one said even to me! That they had enough luck to go around.

I chatted with them again and asked if it was their land? They made ellipses, except for Stevenson, who made a long muffle. I then said I was just saying, because they were a king and all. The crowned one said he may be a king. The pointy hat one said he may be! The king then said there were kings and there were gods. And that as king he granted these lands to Baroness Lalopsey. The pointy hat one added that she sure did die! The king said sure did! The pointy hat one said Lalopsey Manor was gone all weird now! The king said sure has!

The pointy hat one then said that last spring, travellers saw this pale thing come out of the bog there and... and the king butted in, saying well, let's head out! Miles to go, men. Miles to go.

Chatting with the king made him say this was a beautiful forest, didn't I think? That's all they had to say for now. Very jolly but very strange characters... They were going somewhere but just stayed standing there? I decided to leave and head on.

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