Friday 24 May 2019

254 night in the woods - meeting the cat one last time

Dear Readers,

I reached the frozen lake at last. The music was gone, the stars were back and the lake was indeed frozen. The cat was also here.

I said hey to the cat and figured I'd see them here.

They said I figured right.

I said they figured wrong.

They asked how's that?

I said I didn't die in there, like they said I would.

They said so I didn't.

Then they said, but then again, they've never died in there either, so pardon them if they weren't overly impressed I did it once.

This cat! Yeesh!

They said I certainly caused a lot of trouble tonight.

I said I didn't mean to. I was only passing through.

They said isn't that always the way.

I said "I have to go now."

They said the huncher, her child, the forest god weren't my business.

I said I know.

They said to leave all of that here. I was in their forest.

I said I was an astronomer. It may have been their forest, but it was under my sky.

They laughed and said they bet that sounded great in my head.

I said it sounded great when I said it! and called the cat a name.

They said goodbye, Adina the Astronomer and wished me luck.

I said goodbye to the cat and wished them a happy Longest Night.

Chatting with the cat again made it prrrr. I wasn't able to hit it with any snowballs :)

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