Wednesday 15 May 2019

245 night in the woods - handy torch

Dear Readers,

I wandered around a bit before I finally went back to the arm sticking out of the ground. Learning how to slide makes it kinda fun :)

To slide, I have to kind of jump onto a slope. It doesn't always work and there's a knack to it.

I thought to myself, if I was lucky this skeleton is a criminal, or was a criminal. I hesitated, thinking this used to be alive. Now I needed a fire to stick it in.

I picked up the arm and there was the tinkly you got the item! chime that played, even with something like this! I was like oh gosh...

I chatted with medium snowman again and they thanked me for the update. I went around to chatting with everyone else too and there was nothing different for them to say.

Afterwards I went back to the only one I knew who had a fire, the coffin seller! In the middle of their sales pitch they asked me what was that? I said "It's an arm. Goodbye now!" but this just made me go back outside. I went back in and said "I need to borrow your stove..."

They asked me what I was doing and I said flatly I was putting this skeleton arm in their stove. They said no! and I said sssh... before lighting the hand part on fire, saying it was done. They said that was messed up! and I said they were telling me! They then asked me to please leave.

I did so and continued through the woods. I was about to speak with the king and his group but it got all dark and soon the screen went black and all I could hear was some kind of monstrous growling and crunching...

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