Thursday 9 May 2019

239 night in the woods - snowman entourage

Dear Readers,

I needed to come up with an entourage, so I got to building more snowmen!

This time, I used the padlock I found. I gave the first snowman of the entourage two rock eyes and the padlock as the rest of its face.

I greeted this snowman. It was grouchy. It asked me what I wanted. I said sorry for bothering it, but I needed its help. It then said it died didn't it? and that this was so typical. I then said by me bringing it here, I think it'd be able to get out of these woods and do whatever dead people did. It asked if it was something it wanted and I said I had no idea.

I built more snowmen and it looked like I could only build these two. To decorate this other one I needed a special item, so I went back out of the blizzard to look for another one.

I chatted with the medium snowman again and it said the trees here were weird and I should look to the trees. I asked it about it and I said I often didn't see anything about them except for snow. It said it was weird snow and I said I'd check it out. It said it had seen my future and that it lied hidden in the branches. I like the way the text goes all wavy here as it got all mystical :)

I eventually found a trumpet! I brought it back to the blizzard area and decorated this newer snowman, again giving it eyes and making the trumpet part of its face like an upturned nose or something.

I greeted the trumpet snowman and it went honk! I was like wow, and asked it if it was just a horn? It honked again, this time a louder, longer hunk. I asked it to try honking once for yes and twice for no. It said honk! I asked it if it was just a horn ghost kind of thing? It said honk honk!, which means no I gather. I asked it if it was the person who played this horn? It honked it was. I told it that by bringing it back, I think it'd be able to get out of these woods and do whatever dead people did. I asked if that sounded ok to it and it let out a long hoooooonk!

I rang the bell again.

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