Friday 17 May 2019

247 night in the woods - the hunchback says some scary stuff

Dear Readers,

I continued talking to the hunchback at her cabin.

She was saying she and a lady before her found the cabin and she fed the oven and they survived, and then she survived. Then she said the quarrel with the forest god went on for centuries until it ended quite recently.

The kid was about to say something but the hunchback told her to shut up. She said she swore if she wasn't physically present in here the kid would talk about anything.

I asked the hunchback if she was a witch. She asked what a witch was? Did I mean the women in the woods? Then she said a man in the woods is a hermit or a woodsman or a huntsman and that they didn't have a name for women who weren't where they should be, so they stole a name they feared and hated and pressed it onto them. The kid said onto her, the hunchback. She said the word they used for girls like her, the kid, was kidnapped.

The hunchback said this one, every day, I swear. She said the kid wouldn't do chores, would back-sass, sass-mouth...

I asked her why she wouldn't send the kid back where she came from? She said that was the one question to which she had no answer.

I tried talking to her again but she said we were done talking and apologised to me, using my full name. She said she knew I wanted to live but she had taken that future from me and it was hers now. And I couldn't take it back.

All of a sudden there was a white flash and I was outside again. Yikes! The things she was saying!


  1. Wow, that sounds pretty deep. I might have to give this game a go! It always looked really cool, but I never knew the characters had depth like that.

    1. Hey JK thanks for checking the blog out! Yeah the game has some excellent writing. This is actually one of the supplemental games in the extras I played after the main game, but the main game is superb as well with wonderful characters.
