Wednesday 1 May 2019

231 night in the woods - the coffin seller

Dear Readers,

I walked further on and came across a house. I knocked and went in. The dweller greeted me and asked if I was interested in a coffin.

I asked "In the short term?" and they said you never know as these were hard times and these woods would take your life. I remarked that they were still alive and they said you could get out pretty easily, heading west. The problem was with getting through to the east. I said east was where I was going and they said the trees here moved, that they'd confuse my path. They bend to the powers of the god of this forest and I would never obtain their permission to pass. I asked them if this was why they were trying to sell me a coffin and they said they provided a service of collecting my remains and bringing them back to my relations if I paid them now. I asked them about charging in advance and they said they couldn't really charge any other time. I said I didn't have any money and they said there was no coffin for me then and my ghost would be quite unhappy.

I left but went back in to ask about my ghost again. They said those that die here, stay here. Their ghosts lie frozen until disturbed. All that would be left of them would be lumps in the snow and the things they brought with them, gathering frost. I asked if I could have a drink of something and they said no.

I left and went back in once again! They said I let the cold in every time I open the door. I left again. Just wanted to see what they would say :)

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