Saturday 25 May 2019

255 night in the woods - the frozen lake

Dear Readers,

After saying farewell to the cat, I walked down to the frozen lake and started walking across the surface. It reflected the stars in the sky.

After a while, something appeared behind my reflection and spoke to me. It said they doubted I was going to make it. I said a promise was a promise.

They asked how was home? I said same as ever, but colder now, of course. I started giving out bits of news about local stuff that happened, something to do with farmers not being able to control their sheep. They laughed.

I said I knew they didn't have much time here and they said they didn't, and told me to ask.

I asked if they found the ghost star? They said they did on their first night dead. They pointed it out to me.

We stopped walking. A bright star appeared in the sky with coloured shininess coming out from it. Music started playing during this as well. Kind of sentimental inspiring music that wraps up a story.

I was amazed. They said it was something like that. They asked if I would remember where that is and I said yes.

After a pause I said it was funny. They asked what was? and I said it's always been there. I just had no way of seeing it. They said I still couldn't. Not really. But I could chart where it is and that was something at least.

I was like wow... and felt like I was just a few feet away. There's this thing, bigger than I could think about, burning away. Exploding. And between us is this sheet of black. And when I think about it I feel like I'm going to overflow.

They said they thought about this a lot these days. We devoted ourselves to something we barely understood, something we could never touch. We gave it a name, and we gave ourselves a name for doing so. All of it creates this connection. And that connection, that becomes the thing we can touch. They said you appreciate those connections even more after you've died.

I said I was gonna miss them all over again now.

They said on the bright side, I got a star out of it.

I said that was something, at least. They laughed and said it was pretty amazing to be something, at least. I said yeah.

They said goodbye, astronomer. I said goodbye, astronomer.

"The End." said Granddad. Back to me as Mae. I asked what constellation was it? He said no one knew as it was lost to history. I asked him if this really did happen? He said did it matter if it really happened? I said I think it did. He said we'd never know, but hearing it happened to you. And that was something!

I remember this line in the main game too when talking to Mr Chazokov :)

I said something something something. I wanted to find that constellation. He said to go outside some night and find it! And tell him where it is! I yawned.

He said I looked tuckered out. I said I was. He said he'd leave me to it and wished me sweet dreams.

I drifted off to sleep.

Then the credits rolled! it was lovely! It showed the cast of characters in the supplemental game. The music was lovely too. The characters were shown bigger and I was able to get a better look at them.

The credits went into the special thanks section and ended it with "and you". Yay! :) I always love when games do this!

At this part, it showed me as Adina Astra along with the snowmen I had built! This would've been a cool Miiverse screenshot.

After all that, it went black and just showed Mae's face along with NITW. This is a seriously cool logo...

Nothing was happening. I pressed the Y button and heard what I imagine was granddad pulling bed sheets up over Mae's shoulders.

If this is the case, that technically makes granddad a playable character :P I'm not going to argue this though!

The only thing left to do was to press X to save and quit. And that was it!

How fitting too that this end coincides with the maximum value of a byte in my number of blog posts for this game! However, I am going to replay the main game to do other stuff immediately after this :)

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