Sunday 26 May 2019

256 night in the woods - my commentary on concept art 31 to 33

Dear Readers,

Since playing the extra supplemental games, I unlocked a few more pieces of concept art. Let's have a look...

#31 Sketches of the king, the pointy hat one and poor Stevenson. I like the big silly eyes on the king and the pointy hat adviser looking at each other! They're very much like Alice characters! Maybe Tweedledum and Tweedledee... or the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit :) Poor ol' Stevenson too.

#32 The hunchback! Or The Huncher as she's called in the game. Some important looking details noted here like the cauldron and the butt flap. I didn't cop that her hunch was a cauldron! The commentary here says she was concepted as some sort of anarchist survivalist baba yaga-type character. I had to look this up and yeah I can see the inspiration! I also found that that character appeared in the recent Hellboy movie, so she's more well known than I thought.

#33 Frozen Lake layout art. Very pretty scene. This one doesn't have all the stars. Also, it's a very wide shot so I had to magnify it. Adina Astra is here. I was gonna say the cat is here too but... it could very well be the tree trunk...

There are more left to unlock, namely 17, 18, 28, 29 and 30.

Now to do another playthrough, with a focus on Bea!

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