Saturday 18 May 2019

248 night in the woods - trying to get back into the hunchback's house

Dear Readers,

The hunchback warped me back outside her house. I wasn't able to go back inside.

I tried throwing some snowballs around. I hit the knife at the top of her house and that got a reaction from her! She popped up in front of me and said down you go! before making it flash white and I was back off her porch again. I was like ugh... I am not going to die here tonight. I'm just not. I needed to see what was in this hollow and I needed to get into that house. I prepared myself again and tip-toed past her house.

Immediately I started rolling a snowball and was able to place it further ahead. Nearby was another snowball and I assembled another snowman. I didn't have anything special on me though and I needed to get into that house! I thought this was the worst Longest Night ever.

I observed some weird snow up in the trees and that I needed a good strong wind. I laughed at the not-so-simple task of controlling the wind! I couldn't go any further...

Just then I started fiddling around with the right analogue stick and found that I had some kind of aiming mechanism! I couldn't throw snowballs in any direction I wanted though for some reason. Then I found that I could throw snowballs in any direction I wanted by pressing the ZR button! Woo!

I threw another snowball at the knife on top of the hunchback's house and it pointed in the other direction. Then she appeared again and cast me back off her porch.

I was so so cold... I said to myself no! I was an astronomer and these were my skies, darn it! I was gonna survive this!

I tried throwing another snowball at the weather thing on top of her house and tried hiding this time. She popped up and said I was gonna freeze in the brambles tonight and warped me back there again. I started thinking...

I threw another snowball at the weather thing and ran for the brambles to hide! She popped outside and decided it was squirrels. Then she chanted some kind of spell and things went back to to the way she wanted.

I tried another snowball. She came out again and I hid again... then while she was chanting I snuck around and went inside the house! I didn't have enough time to do anything though and she warped me back out into the brambles again. I know what to do now!

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