Sunday 19 May 2019

249 night in the woods - the hunchback's horrible past

Dear Readers,

I used my technique to sneak back into the hunchback's house, with ample time!

The kid said to get away while I still could. I got on her elevator thing and went up to the attic where she was. There I found what looked like some weird vanity table thing and I snatched whatever was there. Soon, the hunchback came back and warped me outside again.

I still had the thing! I went to the snowman I had built and started decorating. It was some oval shaped thing like a mirror but it had an eye drawn on it. I made that the snowman's single eye and then I made a smile for the snowman out of the four rocks I could use.

The snowman came to life! It was like what? No! It coughed before yelling NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Then an apparition appeared above it. The apparition was all curled up with its eyes closed and had sticks coming out of it.

On top of that, the hunchback appeared too! She walked up to us and asked what was this? When she saw it, she said oh no, and asked me what had I done?

A voice spoke. It said you... you watched it happen! You waaaaaatched! The hunchback said it wasn't her! It was this place! The voice said it was the oven, it was what the hunchback became. The hunchback said she didn't get to choose what happened to her! The voice said it was so cold, it was so afraid. The hunchback said she had to survive! The voice said and they did not.

I finally said something. I asked what was this? Who was this? The hunchback told me not to dare speak and called me a waste of a girl. The voice said they were the hunchback's twin! They fled into the woods, identical in all things except one. When she pulled their body from the water the only part of them she kept was the tattoo. The hunchback said she kept it close to her all down the centuries. The voice said they believed in some idea of her... that is as long dead as they were now, but she survived. The hunchback hesitated.

I said oh my gosh. I was so sorry. I was so sorry for this. The hunchback told me to get out. I said I was sorry!!! and I never meant to...

Then the hunchback screamed at me to get out! before making a bright flash again.

After that it was back to me as Mae and granddad.

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