Thursday 23 May 2019

253 night in the woods - checking in with my other snowmen friends

Dear Readers,

After saying goodbye to the medium snowman, I came across Sticky.

I asked Sticky if they were gone already?

They didn't respond. They didn't even scream.

I then told Sticky I was sorry.

I left Sticky and went through the portal to the blizzard area to see if padlock snowman and trumpet snowman were still there.

Padlock snowman said she got it. I said got what? They said it was a lock and a key, only one set like them. I said yeah? and they said nothing... they were gone too!

I told them I never said thanks for the arm...

Trumpet snowman was still there at least! Still honking!

I spoke with Godtender Brown, who was still muttering that this was the worst Longest Night ever and said here's to better days.

I was able to walk past them this time! Further on I found another altar thing and... Stevenson's helmet! Poor Stevenson!

It looked like this thing took a beating from something huge, so... I wondered if there was a head in there? I decided not to check...

Just then, it went back to granddad and me as Mae. I asked him why didn't she check? I said I would've! Grandad said he would too! I said if I ever found a body part on the ground I was gonna poke it with a stick! Granddad said he couldn't argue with me there!

Very nice way to bring it around like that! Haha :) now back to the story with me as Adina!

I went back to the king and his entourage to see if I could ask them about Stevenson, but they kept on singing... After that I headed straight for the frozen lake...

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