Wednesday 29 January 2020

100 undertale - mettaton's big finale!

Dear Readers,

With the door locked and the stage set, Mettaton started his big show, featuring me!

He admitted he rearranged the Core, which was why Alphys couldn't guide me properly. He also hired everyone to kill me. Then he thought it would be even better if he killed me himself. Didn't he just say he had no desire to hurt humans? Ah well.

I kept checking his invulnerability and he kept talking.

He said he's seen me fight and if I continued like this, Asgore would take my soul, and with my soul, he would destroy humanity. But if HE could get my soul instead, he could save humanity from destruction. If he got my soul, he would go through the barrier himself and become the star he'd always dreamed of being. He wanted millions of humans to watch him and said so what if a few people had to die? He said that was show business, baby!

I was able to shoot some obstacles that were flashing.

Alphys then rang and told me not to give up! She also told me about the switch on Mettaton's back that made him vulnerable.

I told Mettaton there was a mirror behind him and so, he turned around, revealing the switch on his back. I flipped it and the music stopped. Mettaton then flipped out and transformed!

An audible "OH YES!" voice sounded and lights shone on the stage where Mettaton used to be. Standing there was a silhouette of some rockstar in a pose, yet it was him! It was Mettaton!

Mettaton said since I flipped his switch, I must've been desperate for the premiere of his new body. He said it was rude but I was lucky because he was aching to show it off himself. He said he'd give me a handsome reward. He'd make my last living moments absolutely beautiful!

Wow what a change from the rectangle robot! He was now some crazy glamorous humanoid star! He started dancing and a ratings display appeared next to him.

He was now Mettaton EX. I was able in my yellow form to shoot lasers at his legs that he swung around to keep them at bay. I didn't last long here and lost all HP...

When I came back I had the option to skip his dialogue by telling him there was something cool behind him. He turned and I flipped his switch. He said that was clever and started the battle immediately.

I tried turning heel, boasting and posing, but it only did so much. I also had to write an essay using the Switch system keyboard input about what I liked most about Mettaton! I just said the word "cool" a few times! I was able to shoot at his heart as well.

There was a disco ball attack I could shoot to change the colour of the lasers, there were these bombs I had to shoot out of the way, and there was a tricky rewind attack too! The union break was a nice touch :)

Mettaton moved so much and so fast his arms fell off!

I died a few more times and got back up to fight him again.

At one point he asked if I really wanted humanity to fail or did I believe in myself that much?

After the next attack with warning signs for his legs, his legs fell off too! He was just a torso now!

He then said maybe I was the star?

During the next few turns he was kind of speechless.

Finally, he stopped along with the music. I had just 1 HP left and he looked at the ratings. It was 11,245 and he was delighted! He never had so much before! He decided to take viewer calls for this, his last show.

Someone rang in and sentimental SNES RPG music played. They said they had a boring life but seeing him on TV made it a lot more exciting. They said they'll miss him...

Mettaton looked moved and tearful. More callers phoned in saying they'll miss him. He then said maybe it would be better if he stayed here for a while. He said humans already had stars and idols, but monsters only had him! If he left, the underground would lose its spark and he'd leave an aching void that could never be filled. He said he'd have to delay his big debut!

He also said I had proven to be very strong. Perhaps, even strong enough to get past Asgore. He said he was sure I'd be able to protect humanity. He said it was all for the best and the truth was, this form's energy consumption was inefficient. He said he'd run out of battery power in a few moments and... then he said he'd be alright. He told me to knock 'em dead, darling! He thanked everyone and said they had been a great audience!

The screen flashed white and then we were back to the dark room. Mettaton's limbless body was still and quiet. Just then, Alphys managed to open the lock and came in...

Here's my phone call: Goodbye Mettaton... I really enjoyed your character... I saw someone cosplaying your EX Form at a convention a few years ago and knew then you were something very special.

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