Saturday 18 January 2020

89 undertale - a chat with sans in the fancy restaurant

Dear Readers,

The MTT building was on the next screen. There was a note here and Sans was here too.

Sans said he heard I was going to the core. Then he said how about grabbing some dinner with him first. I said yeah.

He said great, thanks for treating him! Then he showed me a shortcut.

We stood at a table in a restaurant type place. It had some easy listening jazzy music for atmosphere. Real hanging out and having a chat type music.

Sans said my journey was almost over huh. He said I must really wanna go home. He said he knew the feeling, but maybe sometimes it was better to take what was given to you. He said down here I already had food, drink, friends...

He asked if what I had to do was really worth it? He turned away for a moment and said ah forget it... before saying he was rootin' for me.

He then told me a story. About this huge locked door in Snowdin Forest where he was on sentry duty. He said it was perfect for practising knock knock jokes. So one day, he was knocking them out saying knock knock when he hears a woman's voice, responding "who is there?" and he said "dishes". She said "dishes who?" and he said "dishes a very bad joke." before she howled with laughter :) like as if it's the best joke she's heard in a hundred years.

He kept telling jokes, she kept laughing and she was the best audience he ever had!

Then SHE knocks and says knock knock! He says who's there? She said old lady! He said old lady who? Then she said "Oh! I did not know you could yodel!" :)

He's gotta be talking about Toriel behind the door of the ruins!

He said she was extremely good and they continued telling each other jokes for hours until eventually he had to leave as Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story. She said to come by again and so he did. Then again and again and it became a thing. Telling bad jokes through the door. It rules!

Then one day, he noticed she wasn't laughing very much. He asked what was up and she said if a human ever came through that door, could he please promise her something: To watch over them and protect them. He didn't like making promises and didn't know the woman's name even but someone who liked bad jokes that much had an integrity he couldn't say no to.

The music then stopped. He asked me if I got what he was saying about that promise he made. He asked if I knew what would have happened if she hadn't said anything.

His eyes turned completely black and he said I'd be dead where I stood.

The music resumed. he said to lighten up! He was only joking with me! He said didn't he do a great job protecting me? He said I didn't die a single time!

He asked what my look was supposed to mean and if he was wrong.

He then walked away and said that was all. He said to take care of myself because someone really cared about me :)

Papyrus and Undyne said I didn't need a fancy restaurant like this when my friends were great chefs! Then there was the sound of spaghetti thwapping against the phone receiver :)

I mingled around. There was a gingerbread looking dude to the left. They forgot to make a reservation and didn't want to be seen as a bit of a fool, so they walked straight in and started consuming dew off the ficus next to them.

The big red dude said they dug mazes with puzzles to foil human attacks, but now it was all winding and confusing and it was some awful tradition.

The little mole critter said they worked at the core and said it was a maze of swappable parts, so they could shuffle the layout at will.

I talked to the chicken dude who was the comedian. He talked about his son running away which was sad and not funny. Aw... I wonder if I met him at the ruins?

The receptionist said I had to reserve a table to eat here, along with a chair, some silverware, some food etc.

I left the fancy restaurant.

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