Saturday 25 January 2020

96 undertale - entering the core

Dear Readers,

I had enough mingling done in MTT Resort, so I went through the door marked CORE.

It was all echoey and atmospheric here. I walked forward and saw these two shadowy figures up ahead. They moved further down the path. Alphys rang and asked who they were. She said nobody else was supposed to be here. Is this part of her scenario she wrote herself? It's hard to tell at this stage... Those figures did look ominous.

Undyne and Papyrus said I may not be able to call them inside the Core, but they gave me some encouragement.

I walked into the Core and the music changed to something all electronic and atmospheric. Alphys said to take the elevator, but it wasn't working. She then said to go to the right and keep heading up. I did that and hit a dead end with lots of fire ahead. She then said to try the left.

I took the left path and the two shadowy figures appeared!

Madjick attacked. It was like some kind of grinning limbless magician. I was able to spare it by staring at both of its orbs.

Alphys wondered why there were so many monsters here? Then she said never mind and to just keep going forward.

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