Thursday 23 January 2020

94 undertale - getting to know the burger clerk

Dear Readers,

I went into the MTT-Brand Burger Emporium and chatted with the clerk there. They had a weary sorrowful look and a smile because it was their job.

They sold Starfait, Glamburger, Legendary Hero sandwich and Steak in the Shape of Mettaton's Face. Wow.

I tried talking to them and they said it was against the rules to talk to customers who haven't bought anything.

I tried selling them something and they looked absolutely freaked out and trembling! They had a lot of really crazy expressions!

I wanted to chat with them, so I bought a Glamburger. They thanked me in their crazy smiley, trembly way. They said they'd get in trouble if they got chummy with the customers.

They went quiet for a moment.

Then they opened up. They wanted to be an actor! Some talking options came up then!

I asked about "Life Advice". They said they were 19 years old and had already wasted their entire life. It's not all gone at 19! Jeez!

I asked about "Romance Advice". They said to never interact with attractive people unless you're "one of them" because they're just gonna take advantage of you. They talked about that time two chicks asked them to sneak them some glamburgers...Must be talking about Bratty and Catty... They said they were a naive teenager and said yes to them. Bad idea. I asked why was it a bad idea and they went on, saying they went to the alley to see what would happen next with the two ladies. At this they started trembling and said their boss saw them and asked them what they were doing. They were so startled, the hamburgers in their pockets tumbled out onto the ground. Yikes... and not wanting to lose face, they scrambled to pick them up. When they bent over though, the weight of the remaining burgers caused their pants to fall down and the girls laughed at them. Aw! With a tiny solemn expression, they said that everyone calls them Burgerpants now. Aw! They said I wouldn't, would I? Calling me little buddy and all?

I promise I won't call them Burgerpants :) I'll call them burger clerk.

I asked about Mettaton. They said when they first came to Hotland, it was their dream to work with Mettaton. They went quiet for a bit before saying to be careful what you wish for. I asked why was Mettaton bad and they said have I looked around? This place was a labyrinth of bad choices. Every time they tried to change something for the better, he would veto it and say that wasn't how they did it on the surface. They sarcastically said that humans were always eating hamburgers made of sequins and glue. Yikes! I asked why else was MTT bad and they asked why did people find him so attractive? He was literally just a freaking rectangle! They then got a little quiet and said they once bought one of those kits online to make yourself more rectangular and... they didn't work.  Double yikes! Actually, they do look somewhat rectangular.

I asked about their future. They said what future? As nothing down here ever changed. They said they would probably be trapped at this stupid job forever. There was one thing that kept them going though and that was if Asgore got one more soul, they would finally get to go to the surface! A brand new world, a second chance out there for them! For everyone! They told me to stay strong and that when they make it big, they'll keep me in mind.

Aw man... poor thing getting the raw deal. All that embarrassment too. Seems like a decent person though and their crazy expressions were fun!

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