Friday 24 January 2020

95 undertale - over and back between burger clerk and the alley girls

Dear Readers,

I went back to Bratty and Catty to talk about the burger clerk with them.

Aw... they said he was a total creep... though Catty said he was kinda cute. Bratty asked her if she had any standards and she said Nope!!!

They said the annoying thing was, he'd be ok if he just treated them with some respect. Instead he acted really weird and then acted like it was their fault he acted that way. When they asked him to get the Glamburgers, he dropped them and ran away before they could even say anything. Bratty said they were going to share them and Catty said she wasn't! Then they laughed!

I tried selling but they just got excited over the Glamburger. They didn't buy. At least, not for now.

I went back to burger clerk and told him about what the girls said. He said I was brainwashed and that friendship was just a way a hot person makes you their slave. He then paused and asked what time would they like to hang out?

Hey hey! Progress!

I went back to Bratty and Catty and updated them. Catty said he should look for junk with them! Bratty said she was worried that it'll... and Catty finished, saying really super fun! Bratty said with that kind of guy, you hang out with him once and then he wants to hang out all the time. Catty said they'd be saving his life with their friendship! Bratty was like so? and Catty said to think of all the glamburgers he could get for them! Bratty then asked if he was free after work?

Hmph! Glamburger digger! Haha :)

I went back to burger clerk with Catty's invitation and he was delighted, thanking me. When he heard it was for the garbage dump, he said there was nowhere to go but up!

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