Tuesday 28 January 2020

99 undertale - mettaton tells the truth about alphys!

Dear Readers,

Going through the door at the end of the Core rather than the elevator took me to a dark room where I encountered... Mettaton! He said it was time for the showdown!

He said Alphys had been playing me for a fool the whole time, that she grew attached to my adventure as she watched me on screen and desperately wanted to be a part of it. He said she decided to insert herself into my story. He said she reactivated puzzles, disabled elevators and enlisted him to torment me, all so she could save me from dangers that didn't exist... All so I would think she was the great person that she wasn't.

I copped something alright by the way they were both behaving. I went along with it too. It does make me groan a bit that she was behind the elevators and all. That patience thing from that barrier earlier I didn't think was her but it probably was. Ah well. She's not a bad gal and I enjoy her character :) Besides, she's an anime fan and therefore she rules :)

Mettaton said it was time for Alphys' finest hour. He said she was waiting outside the room. He said during this "battle," she would interrupt. She would pretend to deactivate him, saving me one final time. Then, she'll be the heroine of my adventure. He said I would regard her so highly that she'd even be able to convince me not to leave... or not.

Mettaton then said he had had enough of this predictable charade. He said he had no desire to harm humans and his only desire was to entertain. He wanted a good show for a deserving audience, and that a good show... had a plot twist!

Alphys was just outside the room. She said the door just locked itself! This was the plot twist! Or maybe... was this set up by her as well?

Mettaton then made the area glow red with five red spotlights around the place, saying sorry folks! The old program's been cancelled! He had a finale though that would drive them wild!

The area raised high up into the air as Mettaton said there would be real drama! Real action! Real bloodshed! All on the new show, "Attack of the Killer Robot!"

With the stage set, it was time for the show and battle to begin!

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