Tuesday 7 January 2020

78 undertale - mettaton's news bombs

Dear Readers,

The next room after matching up the Royal Guard was all dark. I walked on anyway until Alphys rang again.

She said she'd hack in and turn on the lights. When she did, it showed Mettaton as a news anchor! And I was in the main story! There was a city night backdrop and a desk and a news ticker and everything!

The news ticker had lots of stuff about local enemies. It was great :)

Mettaton presented the news, calling me Brave Correspondent. I had to walk around this area with a tiny field of view, interacting with stuff.

I found a basketball, a nondescript glass of water, a movie script for Mettaton The Movie XXVIII, a videogame where Mettaton doesn't appear until three quarters of the way in(this game?), a present addressed to me that looks very much like a present from the EarthBound games, and one of those little white dogs that are everywhere in the game.

I decided to report on the game. Mettaton said it was a game where you should check everything twice :) so naturally I checked everything else in the room twice too! Sure enough, a new thing to be said for all the other stuff here too!

The game turned out to be literally dynamite. Then Mettaton broke the news set away and revealed everything in the room to be a bomb, including his words, which dropped on the ground and exploded.

Mettaton then said if I didn't defuse all the bombs, the big bomb would blow me to smithereens in two minutes. Yikes! Alphys rang and said she installed a bomb-defusing program on my phone. I was to use the defuse option when the bomb was in the defuse zone.

Exciting music played while I ran around the room, defusing all the things. I finished with just a few seconds to go.

Happy music played while Mettaton congratulated me. He said the big bomb would no longer explode in two minutes, but it would instead explode in two seconds!

Sinister music played for a moment before fading out. The bomb didn't go off. Alphys rang and said she defused the bomb while Mettaton was monologuing. Yay :)

Mettaton ran off, cursing on being foiled again. Alphys said she was feeling a lot more confident now about guiding me and stuff, so that's nice :)

I continued on the the newly opened path forward.

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