Sunday 26 January 2020

97 undertale - alphys almost gets me killed with direction mistakes

Dear Readers,

After facing the shadowy figures I went to the next room, where Alphys rang again.

She said to act according to the laser order, orange, orange, blue. Move until the third one.

It turned out to be the exact opposite! I managed to avoid them okay though.

She rang and asked was I ok? Then she encouraged me to keep going again.

The next room had a branching path. She rang again and said to try heading right. When I tried, she rang again and said to head up! I went up and reached a dead end with more shadow figures!

Knight Knight attacked. It was a big intimidating looking knight with a face in its torso as well as its head. It had strong attacks! It didn't respond to talk so I sang a few times until it fell asleep. I was able to spare it then.

Alphys rang and apologised again. Then she said to head right. I did so and there were more lasers.

She couldn't turn them off so she cut power to the whole area. I walked across while the power was off until she rang again.

She urgently told me to stop! The power was turning itself back on! Then she turned it off and guided me through the pattern until I got past the lasers. She said she had everything under control...

In the next area was a crossroad and a save point. Whew! Alphys rang and said I should... then she said she didn't know as the map she had looked nothing like this. She said she had to go and hung up.

I saved my game. Badly needed to recover HP!

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