Sunday 12 January 2020

83 undertale - having a snack with muffet

Dear Readers,

The music went dead again as I entered the cobweb-filled area. Spiders climbed up and creepy chortles filled the area.

A voice said they heard I was coming and that I hated spiders. That I liked stomping on them and pulling their legs off.

The path became so dense with cobwebs that I could barely move through them. Then the spider girl appeared and said that she also heard that I was awfully stingy with my money.

She didn't think much of the implication that my tastes were too good for spider pastries. Then she attacked!

Muffet is her name. Her boss music is this lovely creepy dramatic 8-bit ensemble.

I had a much cheaper SpidrDont that I bought while I was in the ruins, so my first move was to eat that.

She noticed me eating the doughnut and determined that I must've stolen it. Suddenly, a little spider walked on screen with a telegram from the spiders in the ruins. It said they saw me and that I was really passionate about spiders. She said this was all a big misunderstanding! She thought I was someone who hated spiders! She said the person who asked for the human soul must've meant a different human in a striped shirt. She apologised to me for all the trouble and made another one of her creepy chortles. She said she'd make it up to me, that I could come back any time and for no charge at all, she would wrap me up and let me play with her pet again! She chortled again and said she was just kidding! She said she would spare ME now!

I pressed check a few times to wear out the conversation before sparing her. I really liked being able to just end the battle by eating spider baked goods :)

Papyrus wondered if any of his online fans were spiders. Undyne wondered if spiders even used the internet. Sans said spiders loved to surf the web! Hehe :) Papyrus said spiders liked to post fangs for visiting my web-site. Hehe :)

I left the area and returned. Muffet was here and said I was always welcome in her parlour as long as I was on my best behaviour.

In the previous room Papyrus talked about spiders having webbed feet. Funny convo and I'm glad I went back for it :)

So... Muffet. She's a monster girl and a dominatrix, but she's a bit violent and vore-y for my tastes. I'd like to explore more dialogue choices with her. In the context of the whole story she doesn't have a big role; she's a lot less like the other characters who keep coming back in some way or other. She seems like the odd one out. Still a likable character in her own way and it was great to have this option to deal with this boss fight :)

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