Monday 2 November 2020

122 ace attorney 6 - owen testifies!

Dear Readers,

Finally it was Owen's turn to testify! He claimed to have witnessed Taifu's murder so it was great to finally have this chance.

Owen talked about a knife and some blood as well. This was the moment of murder and he saw it! His emotions were all over the place so I recommended a therapy session immediately.

Fear overwhelmed every emotion he had and his memory didn't seem clear. What was the blood about? I tried probing at the blood on Taifu's face.

Nahyuta said this was something he dreamed up. Whatever. He can shut right up. 

Simon said something about rotating my thinking around like we all do at the agency. I corrected him, saying it was turning my thinking around, but thought about the word "rotate" and got an idea.

I came up with a theory that Owen must've been lying on the floor when he saw his master and that his master must've been doing the same when there was blood being spilled on his face.

Owen said he remembered someone on top of Taifu all of a sudden. The noise dissipated somewhat. I said the blood must've come from the one on top of Taifu.

Nahyuta then chimed in and seemed to be going along with it, along with it too well in fact. He then brought up Bucky's face bandage and argued this was conclusive that he was the killer! Nooooo! He said I dug this pit for myself without being able to crawl out of it.

Things looked bad. The gallery chattered about things being all over for me, at least until Simon shot back with a "Silence!"

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