Monday 9 November 2020

129 ace attorney 6 - dhurke appears in the office!

Dear Readers,

Now for episode 5! It starts with an anime scene where Dhurke interrupts an episode of the Plumed Punisher and talks about the DC act, mentioning something about the Founder's Orb, whatever that is. He vows to dethrone the regime and get rid of the act. Datz was standing there with him.

Once again I was Apollo Justice! Trucy and I were in the office watching the news about the interrupted broadcast in Khura'in. She was all excited about it but I wasn't as much, wondering what Dhurke was up to this time.

Trucy asked me if I knew him and I said I did. She had more questions about him.

Just then, a voice familiar to me piped up. I turned around and there, in the office, was Dhurke himself, calling me son and asking me how I'd been all this time. Trucy had lots of questions now!

I didn't tell anyone about Dhurke all this time and I abruptly suggested to Trucy that we close up early today. He said he just wanted to see me but I knew there was something he wanted, just showing up like this.

He did admit to wanting some help with something but he swore it was the truth that he came here to see me, even though it had been ten years.

Trucy demanded details and I had some questions of my own. I started with presenting my attorney's badge. Dhurke didn't know what it was, and when I told him he said he used to flash his, but warned me against showing it to anyone in Khura'in. I wondered how Phoenix was managing it, since he did it all the time.

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